Fix for Objective 2 of Mara’s Operator Mission showing a placeholder name ‘Desert Work’ for the reward.We’ve done some backend work to help improve this. If you reached a new rank while in the middle of a match and perform the criteria to complete a challenge you just unlocked, progress would not show in the UI until you entered a new match.Operator challenge descriptions have been updated to indicate that a specific Operator must be equipped in order to complete the challenge.Fix for a bug where equipping the “Old Wounds” LMG could cause an error, kicking players out of the menu.Fix for the “Heat Cycle” weapon not appearing correctly in-game.

Fix for a bug that allowed players to use attachments not yet earned.Pointman: Fix for an issue where Killchain scores were being given for killstreak kills without having Killchain equipped.Fix for a bug where numbers on the team roster and numbers on the COD Caster minimap did not correspond.Fix for players receiving the "Jockworth" error while in Gunfight Tournaments.Fix for Regiment tags not appearing as intended.Fix for killstreaks still functioning in CDL playlists.